Past Work

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A short, selective overview of my most relevant past work and projects.

Circadian Glasses

Designed and built a pair of glasses and the control software to be used by astronauts on the ISS to stabilize their circadian rhythm in 2018/19 as part of a FIRST robotics and research competition. Confirmed usefulness with the advisor of astronaut Alexander Gerst and Harvard Medical School Prof. Elizabeth Klerman.

Amazon Fulfillment & Health

Insights into warehousing, logistics and their processes. Analyzing data for an Amazon Fulfillment center in Germany. Focus on worker health and ergonomics.

Lead @

Lead and later advised the software development department (8 to 13 people) of for 1.5 years. Built internal software tooling for applications, websites and infrastructure.

Robotics Competition @ FIRST Championship Detroit

Co-lead robotics team GO ROBOT, programmed and lead robot design. Won multiple competitions, were awarded multiple awards at the FIRST Championship World Festival Detroit in 2019.

Federal German AI Competition, Radiology Congress Presentation

Lead team of four to develop a novel 3D NN to assess human age from CT clavicle scans. Dataset sourced by LMU Clinic. Model rivaled experienced radiologists in accuracy. Presented results at Radiology Congress. [Repo]

I also

- was a Junior AI Engineer working on everything LLMs and their productionization, RAG, visual similarity search and more at appliedAI

- received a student scholarship at Check24 and was a working student building and optimizing Recommenders in Data Science there

- participated successfully in multiple robotics competitions like WRO on a federal level

- coached my old robotics team "GO ROBOT"

- coached several WRO teams from my school

- lead the technical side of an AI-forecasting consulting project between and the TaxTech company

- wrote my seminar paper [Repo] on using Reinforcement Learning to learn the optimal strategy for blackjack

- have always been hacking around with RL and robotics

- delivered an extensible production-ready AI workflow for seafarer matchmaking as part of the Industry Phase 2.0 for TURTLE

- built an algorithm to automatically tune robot controller parameters, awarded Design Price @ Robotics Competition World Festival Detroit